For every order you place, you need an order number, as well as the last six digits of the EAN no. which you must get from Jane Jamshidi - it can be sent by email on request.
All flights MUST be booked through Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT).
Most travel arrangements should be made via the online booking system (guidelines in Danish). If you require assistance, you can call a travel consultant (however, there is a fee of 2,99% when a travel consultant is involved):
Note that there is an additional fee of 200 DKK for calling outside business hours (Mon-Thurs 8:30am - 4:30pm; Fri 8:30am-4pm).
Please do NOT book hotels through CWT (as that will incur large fees). Book directly with the hotel you would like to stay at.
All train tickets must be booked through DSB (or
Other expenses, such as books, equipment and expenses in relation to guests or special events are to be granted by Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen or Jane Jamshidi. You will need an order number from Jane before you order.
NB: books are only to be ordered by the librarian, Sanne Fjord Jensen.
To have insurance during work-related visits abroad, apply for a personal university travel insurance card. Download an application form and deliver it in person to the Math Department's secretary Annette Møller (2 floor). You will receive the card immediately.
Log in to AURUS; the online AU travel reimbursement system